
Five with Tim Hall

For our next "Five with..." guest, please welcome new-friend-of-Pilcrow, Tim Hall:

1. What are you working on now?

I'm finishing up a new non-fiction novel, called Full Of It: The Birth, Death, and Life of an Underground Newspaper. I've also just launched AuthorShares, which is a way for writers and small presses to issue stock to raise money for their projects.

2. What is your favorite part of literary festivals and why?

My favorite part of literary festivals is realizing that I'm not the only crazy dreamer out there. It's so inspiring to get out of the house and see my fellow travelers once in a while. I'm always humbled and amazed by the amount of talent and creativity at these festivals. Then I go home again for another year and my imaginary friend and I talk about it.

3. Who are your favorite small press mover/shaker types at the minute?

I'm amazed by the Chicago literary scene, actually--the energy, wit and passion I've seen since moving out here are overwhelming. So I'd say pretty much the entire Pilcrow roster constitutes my favorite mover/shaker types right now, especially Jonathan Messinger, Jason Behrends, and Ben Tanzer, all of whom I've recently met or become acquainted with. I'm also a big fan of Maud Newton's blog, I think her output and generosity have been amazing.

4. Which author do you wish was coming to Pilcrow Lit Fest this year who is not?

Selfishly I'd like some of my NY posse to be here, especially my fellow Blacksmiths For Literary Progress--Brian Cogan, Mike Faloon, and Ken Wohlrob. They're my homeboys and some of the coolest, smartest, funniest/weirdest people I have the honor of having restraining orders against. Also Karen Lillis, who's in Pittsburgh now, is another amazing writer and small press advocate I wish was here. My old friends, in other words.

5. If you were in charge of picking a theme song for Pilcrow Lit Fest this year, what would it be?

Well, "Tears On My Pilcrow" would be one, or anything by The Black Pilcrowes.

Actually, I'd say "Waiting Phase One" by Porcupine Tree: "Waiting for the drugs/to make it real/Waiting for the day/when I will crawl away." Pretty much sums up this whole literature gig, doesn't it?

1 comment:

Stan D. said...

Thanks for this, Amy--looking forward to the fest very much! -Tim